Sejerslev Tray
Explainer Video
Setup Workflow
As shown in this video when the Sejerslev Tray has been installed in a location, you can setup your gear in a matter of minutes and continue working without leaving any safety hazards behind. It takes less than 5 minutes from arrival at the scene to be fully functioning and continuing where you left off. From the usual process of setting up the entire workplace every time you arrive and cleaning it up when you leave, this product makes the entire process effortless and as efficient as possible. To see the uncut video of the ‘Setup Workflow’ in less than 5 minutes Click here.
The idea came to the world when, in our work as Sejerslev ApS, we have had daily challenges to meet working environment conditions such as good ergonomics, reducing heavy lifting, reducing the risk of tripping over cables and hoses, eliminating inappropriate crane lifts, ensuring sufficient orientation lighting on access roads and much more. The undersigned got the idea to gather all the different elements in one ”supply tray”, gathering all this leads to a drastic decrease in all the aforementioned problems. At the same time, we have long had the desire and the will to monitor both equipment and consumption, which has developed into a very advanced product.
Idea Basis/Mission
We have sought to remedy a myriad of discussions about finances and progress on all construction sites. Many of these discussions are rooted in the lack of a supply line or the handling of supplies such as heavy gas cylinders and gas cages, generators or the like. In parallel with this, we also seek to remedy falls/trip accidents. In Denmark alone, 60,000 fall accidents are registered per year. If we can reduce that figure by 5% and then reduce it in the same way in the rest of the world, then many working lives have been saved in accidents.
Objectives and Visions
Our goal/vision with the product is to contribute to an easier, healthier and more productive everyday life for construction, off-shore, and possibly the shipping and shipping industry. We would like to deliver up to 500,000 units worldwide. Our product must be able to facilitate the work process out in the field, both for the craftsman (the welder, the concreter or similar) but also for the project manager, the safety representative (via the elimination of tripping risks from cables and hoses in walkways as well as integrated work lighting, ergonomic access to resources health measurements, elimination of heavy lifting and much more), the client (via environmental accounts of both consumption and diversion of waste substances), selected suppliers (including gas supplier via automatic re-ordering of gas and automatic invoicing after consumption) and bookkeeping (via automatic invoicing and bookkeeping)